Avisita cares about the environment and will work actively and proactively to improve our operations and services in the environmental field.
We will inform and engage our customers and employees to be involved in environmental issues so that environmental work is a natural part of our everyday lives. We will cooperate with and prioritize other environmentally conscious companies and suppliers and encourage them where there is potential for improvement.
We will meet and strive to exceed the laws and requirements of society and our customers. We will use renewable energy sources and materials wherever possible. Our environmental work shall be vibrant and characterized by honesty, transparency and continuous improvement.
Environmental work must be environmentally justified, technically feasible and economically reasonable
Avisita takes responsibility for the environment by:
- Increase knowledge and awareness of environmental issues within the company, by continuously discussing and integrating environmental aspects into our work tasks, services and everyday life.
- Maintain an ongoing dialog with our suppliers on environmental issues.
- Choosing environmentally friendly options for our travel, transport, purchases and activities.
- Making it easier for our customers to choose environmentally friendly options in our range of services.
- Manage our waste in an environmentally sound way.
- Encourage employees to turn off unnecessary lights, turn off computer screens and computers and save paper.
Environmental considerations should permeate every aspect of the business and be taken into account in all key decisions.
Employees should be involved in the company's environmental work and be aware of current laws and environmental developments in the industry and be encouraged to act environmentally conscious even outside working hours.
Communication and information should primarily be distributed and provided electronically.